
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Feminine Tattoos

Feminine TattoosWith so many women now deciding to have tattoos, it’s little wonder that the need arises for a series of feminine tattoos. That doesn’t mean that all women are going to be happy with the small, dainty, and feminine tattoos, but for those who prefer those styles, a tattooist must have them available. One of the reasons a woman may choose something more feminine is the need to cover

More amazing wizards (dragon edition)

I'm seriously obsessed with wizard tattoos. Sorry if you guys are getting sick of them! Here are a bunch with their dragon buddies.

It looks like he's about to pitch all the magic onto his hand that's holding the orb, whereupon it will smash into one million pieces and doom the dragon to an eternity underground without his friends or family.

This dude is NOT HAPPY about the dragon's fiery flames. Not one bit.

Since when are wizards 100x bigger than dragons? I like the lightning bolts though.

"Alright, I want a dungeon. A deep, dark, scary dungeon, with a DRAGON and a huge SPIDER, and a lizard, and cobwebs, and an EVIL PLOTTING WIZARD with another dragon on his shoulder, and a CUTE BLUEBIRD and a HEART with a banner with my girlfriend's name on it and a bunch of FLAMES on the other side and some smoke all around everything. Okay?"

Monday, February 23, 2009

Tattoo designs of zodiac signs

Tattoo Designs of Zodiac Signs - Body Paint ArtThe tattoo symbols & designs on this page are the 12 classical signs of the Greek /Roman Zodiac. Mankind has been fascinated by the zodiac for millennia, since we first connected the dots between stars and named the constellations. There’s a real romanticism and magnetism to the idea that our lives and actions are all influenced by the celestial

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Fairy Moons and Star Tattoos

Fairy moons and star tattoos are becoming a more common feminine tattoo. Females often seek out the pretty tattoos or the girlie ones and fairy moons and star tattoos are no exception. With such a large following of mythical cultures, the girl looking for the perfect fairy moon and star tattoo is sure to find one she loves and wants to keep forever. Mythical tattoos are a seasoned favourite for

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Friend Zak (when bad tattoos come full circle and become awesome, part II)

My friend Zak is quite possibly the coolest dude ever. He has great taste in music. He's super nice and friendly. He has a black belt in karate. He likes space and d&d and being awesome. And he is willing to share his ridiculous stick-n-poke tattoos with us.

In the same vein as this dude, Zak and his friends like to get tipsy and tattoo each other. And ridiculousness ensues.

I'm going to post his tattoos in installments, because they are just that amazing, so here is the first, of many.

Here's the story behind it, if I'm remembering correctly... he decided to get a wolf tattoo, because wolves are RAD (p.s. I have a bunch of amazing tribal wolf tattoos to share with you guys). However, no one could tattoo a wolf, so he just went with the word "WOLF!". Then, apparently, there's a Chinese saying "horse, horse, tiger, bear" which brings good luck, I think? So he went with writing those next to "WOLF!" to round out the tattoo. But the words kept getting progressively crappier as he went on, so you can barely read the last one.

This might be one of the worst tattoos I have ever seen, but it is also one of the best.

If you have a silly stick-n-poke tattoo, or have a friend who does, by all means EMAIL ME!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Shamrock Tattoos

The Shamrock

The plant known as a shamrock is one of the most popular representations of Irish culture. It is a three-leafed segment of the old white clover, usually of the type Trifolium dubium. The name shamrock is also applied to other types of plants that have just three leaves, such as sorrel and red clover. A shamrock is not the same as a four leaf clover, however. These are the luckiest type of clover because of a mutation that causes an extra leaf to grow. These rare finds are valued even more highly for luck than the usual three leafed shamrock.

The name shamrock is an English corruption of the Gaelic word for "little clover", seamaróg. The pronunciation of the Gaelic term is close to the way the English word shamrock is pronounced.

Shamrock Symbolism

If you decide to get one of these shamrock tattoos, what exactly is the symbolismbehind this image? Well, shamrocks have been used since Victorian times as a popular pattern for items such as clothing and decorations, and the shamrock is reported to have medicinal uses as well. Additionally, shamrocks are one of the biggest symbols of luck throughout the world - with many people equating a shamrock to other lucky images such as horseshoes and crossed fingers.

The shamrock also has both a religious connotation and a political one. Catholics may use this image as a representation of St. Patrick, and his saint's day, March 17. The soldiers of the Royal Irish Regiment wear a sprig of shamrock on this day, the shamrock being their emblem. This emblem was decreed by Queen Victoria a century ago - in recognition of those Irish soldiers who fought in the Boer War.

Shamrock Tattoos

There are many different styles and versions of shamrock tattoos available for you to choose from, whether you would like to get one done from flash art or have a tattoo designed just for you. The popularity of shamrocks as an Irish symbol, as well as one of good luck, mean that many people opt for this foliage tattoo. Women as well as men can be seen sporting a shamrock tat, placed in a variety of spots all over the body.

Unlike many tattoos which can be seen in either black and white or color, almost all shamrock tats are done with bright colored ink. This is because the color green is almost as important as the image of the shamrock itself. Green is "the" color of Ireland, and a non-green shamrock would not have the same impact as a colorfully inked one. Beyond this one consistency, a shamrock tat can be done in almost any style, including:

  • Celtic knots interwoven within the shamrock
  • Tribal artwork in and around the shamrock
  • Photo realistic, almost portrait-like, artwork
  • Cartoon styles, such as those seen on Old School tats

You can also choose to have a shamrock tattoo inked as part of a larger piece. For instance, the flag of Montreal includes a shamrock in its design (as a representation of one of the city's largest populations at the time it was created). The University of Notre Dame (the Fightin' Irish) also uses the shamrock as a symbol, as do several colleges and universities in the city of Dublin, Ireland. Or, you could use the shamrock as just part of a collage of "luck" items - including a horseshoe, heart, shamrock and whatever else is lucky to you

Source :

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Girl Tattoos

Pinup Girl Tattoo: A LIttle HistoryPinup girl tattoos are hot and that is not just referring to the physical beauty of the girl in the tattoo. No I mean they are a hot tattoo theme to get done these days as they are definetly comming back in style in a big way!Pinup girl tattoos have a pretty long history in the field of tattoos. Pin up girls as a word or phrases has come to mean a girl that is

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Wizards with triangle things on their hats

You guys probably know by now how much I love bad tattoos that are all from the same book/ piece of flash/ google search. I especially feel this way about wizard tattoos. I collect photos of wizard tattoos and then try to match them up. It's amazing how many are alike! This is the largest collection of matching wizards I have so far. Enjoy.

This one has a sketch next to it, but it can't be the original.

I love how they are all the same, but have their own little personalities...

... like "mild" written over the nipple, for example.

And finally one in color! I can't decide if the color makes this bad tattoo more or less awesome. There's something about the classic black and white wizard that I really love, but I think anything magical really deserves to be in color.

I'm sure there are many more wizards-with-triangle-things-on-their-hats out there, I just have to find them. If you know of anyone with one of these, or know where they might come from, please let me know!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Bikes (part 2)


There are so many better things you could put on your chest! Symmetrical, flattering, awesome things! Why why why why why why would you put a line drawing of a BIKE on your BOOBS? It makes her left boob look 10x bigger and droopier than the right because the left wheel is so much bigger.


At least it's well done. And I hope it's just the first outline and that she went and got it colored in later. And maybe put some stuff behind it to even the whole thing out.

p.s. my friend has a blog about funny emails he gets at work, if you're bored you should check it out.